AiMH UK Annual Awards

Promoting excellence in infant mental health practice

AiMH UK Annual Award Categories

AiMH UK offers three individual awards and one team award.

The three individual awards will be given in recognition of individuals from the UK who have made important contributions to the infant mental health community in the course of their careers.  

The team award will be given to a team in the UK who are working together to make a significant contribution to meet the emotional needs of infants in their community.  

We invite nominations from the fields of health, mental health, early care and education and early intervention.

‘To recognise those who have highlighted and promoted the work of infant mental health in their discipline or organisation’  

‘In recognition of a Health Visitor or Early Years Practitioner who has shown a commitment to raising awareness of infant mental health’    

‘To recognise those who have demonstrated a significant contribution to infant mental health in terms of practice or through their work in research and policy’ 

‘In recognition of an infant mental health team working collaboratively and creatively to improve infant mental health outcomes for babies in their community’

Please submit your nominations with the required materials: 

  • A 250-500 word statement indicating why the nominee should receive the award 
  • A copy of the nominee’s resume or brief biography. 
  • Two letters of support who endorse your nomination. 
  • Contact details of the nominee

Please submit all nomination materials to Lin Carruthers @ 

The Gwen Kirkwood Foundation Award

This special Foundation Award was introduced for the first time in 2023, and in memory of Gwen Kirkwood.

‘To recognise a practitioner or team who is working to increase access to IMH services for infants and parents from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups, either through direct clinical work, or through training and education.’

This may be, for example, a practitioner whose work is increasing ethnic diversity in the IMH workforce, and/or raising awareness in the IMH workforce of the impact of race, racism and cultural diversity on the experience of infants and parents.

To nominate or apply please submit to Lin Carruthers @ 

  • A 250-500 word statement indicating why the nominee should receive the award 
  • A copy of the nominee’s resume or brief biography. 
  • Two letters of support who endorse your nomination. 
  • Contact details of the nominee

AiMH UK Award Winners of 2024