
9.00am Welcome & Introduction

Andrea Katz, Clinical Director AiMH UK & Dr Kerry Taylor, Founder and Clinical Director BrightPiP


9.05am Opening Address

Caroline Lucas MP


9.15am Presentation

‘Baby chatting and technoference; The first conversations and what can get in the way.’

Robin Balbernie, Child Psychotherapist, Trustee of AiMH UK


9.50am Comfort Break


10.00am Presentation

Local Learning- Moving back into the community after the pandemic: Blending the best of online working with face-to-face contact in our local context.

Kerry Taylor, Founder & Clinical Director, BrightPiP


10.30am Group Discussion – Sharing experiences and what do we want the SE Coast hub to be?


11.00am Close


This event is free to members and non-members of AiMH UK

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