Professional Training
Training and education are fundamental to continuing professional development. The AiMH UK IMHDirectory highlights infant mental health training opportunities and learning experiences offered by Independent and Private Training Providers.
It has been designed to help practitioners to find infant mental health training that aligns with their Professional Development Plan (PDP) learning requirements.

A Good Start Instructor Training Course
Midlothian Sure Start
This course enables practitioner trainers to transfer knowledge and help develop the core skills of case-holding (parenting) practitioners
to deliver the award-winning programme to new parents and their babies.

Newborn Behavioural Observations System Training and Certification
Brazelton Centre UK
The NBO is an interactive observational tool that can be used with newborn babies and their families from birth up to 3 months old. The NBO works through a set of 18 behavioural observations that describe the newborn’s preferences, vulnerabilities, and areas he or she may need support. The behavioural profile revealed through the NBO gives the baby the opportunity to show who he or she is as a unique individual. This gives practitioners the ability to provide individualised caregiving guidance that can help parents meet their baby’s needs. In turn, this helps the parents develop confidence in supporting their baby and enjoy the experience of being a parent of a newborn.

Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale Training and Certification
Brazelton Centre UK
The Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale (NBAS) is the most comprehensive neurobehavioral assessment available for newborn babies, which gives a strength-based, in-depth profile of an individual baby.
We offer training and certification in this tool which can be used in both clinical and research settings.

Babies In Our Minds (BIOM)
Rachel Pardoe, Early Years Emotional Security (EarlyYES) Ltd.
BIOM promotes an understanding of the complexity of the parent-infant relationship, contributing to more effective assessment, safeguarding and intervention with parents and infants.

The Importance of Infancy
Robin Balbernie: Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist
The Importance of Infancy course has been developed for all professions and services involved with families from pregnancy to pre-school. Based mainly on attachment theory, neurobiology and developmental psychopathology it presents a broad understanding of the research that lies behind early intervention and the need to invest in the early years.

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
elearning for healthcare
This e-learning course offers learners an overview of the field of Perinatal and Infant Mental Health and why the perinatal period is unique and important in terms of parent and infant’s lives, development, relationships, mental health and well-being and outcomes for families.
Please complete and submit an application form providing information about the training provision
*Please Note: Training courses listed on the IMHDirectory have not been reviewed or accredited by AiMH UK. Any contract for provision of learning is between the provider and the practitioner or student.