October 31, 2022
AiMH UK and Home-Start UK Membership Partnership
We are delighted to announce that the AiMH UK and Home-Start membership partnership was launched in October 2022.
October 26, 2022
The Anna Freud Centre releases its latest study results on psychotherapy interventions
and how they can prevent and reduce mental health difficulties in parents and caregivers and their babies and young children. Read the full report.
June 7, 2022
Getting it right for our infants.
Babies’ emotional health and wellbeing begin before they are born, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy.
December 8, 2021
IMH Discussion on Birmingham Radio
On Tuesday 8th December, Rachel Pardoe (child psychotherapist and AiMH Bristol Hub lead) was invited to be a guest speaker on Birmingham’s Unity Radio ‘parenting hour’ programme.
June 30, 2021
The WAIMH Award for our President Jane Barlow, Congratulations!
Professor Jane Barlow received an Award in recognition of all her hard work and dedication to Infant Mental Health.
June 22, 2021
WAIMH 2021 World Congress
May 28, 2021
Cardiff Parents Plus and Parents First
We deliver home-based interventions that meet the strengths, needs and circumstances of each individual family. Building safe and trusting relationships is the golden thread running through our work with parents and infants.
April 24, 2021
Gwent Parent Infant Mental Health Service (G-PIMHS)
A specialised, multidisciplinary, parent-infant relationship team, with expertise in supporting and strengthening the important relationships between babies and their parents.
February 27, 2021
Agents of Hope
Many different practitioners play a vital role in supporting early child development and well-being during the Early Years.