We had wonderful news that Penny Leach our Honorary Trustee and founder received a CBE in the Queens Birthday Honours list  – ‘Child Wellbeing Campaigner and Researcher, Association for Infant Mental Health, For services to Education’. Penny will attend Buckingham Place later in the year to receive her honour.

Penny has also recently re-launched a new edition of her book: ‘From Birth to Age Five’

Why a new edition?

Your Baby & Child was first written in the 70s.  By 2020 it was clear that the book must either be rewritten or die.

Half a century is a very long life for a book and although there have been several updates during that time, changes in the book had not kept up with the changes in society; so the book no longer reflected the rapidly changing realities of family life. However people went on buying it, and grandparents continued to pass on well- worn copies to their pregnant children, hoping it would be as useful to the new generation of parents as it had been to themselves. With close to three million copies still extant around the world it would have been impossible to banish the book altogether and a pity to kill off something that had served so many families and might potentially serve many more. Yet I was not comfortable leaving on the market a book I knew to be out of date.

The answer was to rewrite the book so that it was as relevant to the 2020’s as it had been at the turn of the century.