Members: Free

Non-members: £15

9:30am Welcome

9:35am to 10:15am Supporting Infant Sleep

Mary Rheeston – Solihull Approach Manager and Health Visitor has been involved with the Solihull Approach since it began. She is involved in Solihull Approach developments, including resources and training. She has a strong commitment to supporting emotional health and wellbeing for everyone across the lifespan, from the antenatal period to adulthood.

Kate Gauld is a Community Nursery Nurse working with the Solihull Health Visiting Team with over 30 years experience working with children 0 – 5 years and their families. Kate is Solihull Approach trained and uses it on a daily basis when offering support. She was recently involved in the Solihull approach sleep resource project and with sleep being an area that families often struggle with which can have an impact on the whole family, it was great to be part of.

Both will be describing how the Solihull Approach can be used in supporting families with infant sleep and the development of the Sleepfullness video resources for families by the Solihull Approach.

10:15am to 11:00am Networking Session 1:

Infant Sleep – finding a relational away through. This is an opportunity to network with colleagues from all areas of the UK, to share ideas and practice. We will come back together to share the key take aways of these discussions as a whole network.

11.00am Break

11:15am – 12:00pm Networking Session 2:

Local networking – connecting, sharing and developing: Learn about what is happening in relation to support for infant crying in your area. Discuss any other topical developments or issues in relation to working with parents and babies in your area

12:00pm End

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