Thursday 27th October 9.00am – 12.30pm

About this event

The morning will explore a range of interventions and approaches for supporting the parent infant relationship before the baby is born. Each presentation will last 30 minutes, and there will be 10 minutes for questions and discussion.

9.00am – Welcome + Introductions – Penny Rackett & Sarah Baillie

9.10 – 9.50am: Presentation 1 – Professor Elizabeth Meins – ‘Mind matters: Intervening early to facilitate parents’ mind-mindedness’

9.50 – 10.30am: Presentation 2 – Raquib Ibrahim, Mellow Bumps

10.30 – 11.00am – Coffee and discussion in small groups

11.00 – 11.40am: Presentation 3 – James McTaggart: ‘A mind-minded approach to prevention in infant mental health in the Highlands’

11.40 – 12.20pm: Presentation 4 – Diane Campkin Antenatal PEEP

12.20 – 12.30pm Summary and future events

AiMH UK members: Free

Non-members: £10

Download the programme here

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