Mom and dad teach baby to walk

AiMH UK Cornwall Hub Event: Infant Mental Health is Everybody’s Business

For any professional, developing an opinion on what constitutes ‘good enough’ parenting care is a complicated task.

Stressed and tired mother sitting on the floor with her baby girl.

AiMH UK Conference – ‘Recognising and Responding to Trauma in Infants’

AiMH UK Conference Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

Shot of a happy young man and woman bonding with their adorable baby girl at home

AiMH UK Scotland Event – Watch, wait and assess

opportunity to hear about and reflect together on a wide variety of observational tools.

Hand holding newborn baby's hand

AiMH UK Lunchtime Skillsbox with Joe Druce

Sharing practical skills for enhancing parent-infant relationships.

Hub Event; ‘Birth Trauma: the impact on parents, infants and families’ – Thursday 25th March 2022

Birth Trauma: the impact on parents, infants and families
Friday 25th March 2022

A multi-ethnic group of adults business-people are indoors in a board room. They are wearing formal clothing. A Caucasian woman is holding her baby during a meeting. The baby is playing with blocks.

AiMH UK AGM 2021

The Annual General Meeting 2021 for AiMH UK

Culturally Informed & Inclusive Practice with Infants & Their Families

Recognising unconscious bias in working with parents and infants