
Find out about our latest news items and some from our archives.

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Cardiff Parents Plus and Parents First

We deliver home-based interventions that meet the strengths, needs and circumstances of each individual family. Building safe and trusting relationships is the golden thread running through our work with parents and infants.

Gwent Parent Infant Mental Health Service (G-PIMHS)

A specialised, multidisciplinary, parent-infant relationship team, with expertise in supporting and strengthening the important relationships between babies and their parents.

Agents of Hope

Many different practitioners play a vital role in supporting early child development and well-being during the Early Years.

Babies & Young Children under Lockdown: Attunement and Adaptation’

On 5th March the AiMH UK London Region Hub welcomed 47 participants to its second online event, ‘Babies & Young Children under Lockdown: Attunement and Adaptation.

Getting through lockdown with a baby

In this blog, Liz shares her thoughts on getting through lock-down with a baby using the helpful acronym T.R.U.S.T.

Rupture, repair, reslience (and Kintsugi)

‘Kintsugi’ is the Japanese custom of repairing broken or cracked items with gold. Once completed, beautiful seams of gold glint in the item

Virtual school for Children in Care

improve the educational journey and outcomes for children in care, from early years to the end of Year 13. Support and guidance to care leavers maybe offered and also to the staff supporting them.

My Play and Discover Bag

The parent/carer plays an important role in helping children learn and develop by observing and engaging in their play.

IMH Discussion on Birmingham Radio

On Tuesday 8th December, Rachel Pardoe (child psychotherapist and AiMH Bristol Hub lead) was invited to be a guest speaker on Birmingham’s Unity Radio ‘parenting hour’ programme.

AIMH Article Image 1 | mother looking at baby

Getting it right for our infants.

Babies’ emotional health and wellbeing begin before they are born, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy.

The Anna Freud Centre releases its latest study results on psychotherapy interventions

and how they can prevent and reduce mental health difficulties in parents and caregivers and their babies and young children. Read the full report.